Radioactive Metal 759: Into The Black

While we’re not ready to give up the Halloween ghost just yet, we understand that the show must go on. Record Store Day: Black Friday is just around the corner. And RSD is always a huge deal around here. So if one is good than two must be better. So once again we go over the the RSD list of releases at and make our choices that we want…

Radioactive Metal 758: Pros At Cons

Conventions are always a great time. Be they the growing number of pop culture cons or the closer to home record and music cons. In our neck of the woods, the Winnipeg Comic Con is upon us. So we decided to share our experiences at the Manitoba Record and Music Con. Aside from an awesome haul, we have some cool stories to share. As well, we discuss cons in general,…

Radioactive Metal 757: We’re Only Seventeen

Happy Bday to us!! Believe it or not your fave Metal podcast has ben a thing for 17(!) years now! We we first de-butted nobody knew what a podcast was. So this time ’round we decided to kick back, pour a few of our fave bevies and just shoot the shite’. About anything and everything. We test our Horror metal at As well, we rank the Friday The 13th…

Radioactive Metal 756: Little Help From His Friends

The Ozzman Cometh?? Mr. Ozzy Osbourne’s recent announcement of wanting to do another album and tour has Metaldom all abuzz. But a front person is only as good as the band behind them. Over his illustrious career, Ozzy has surrounded himself with some amazing musicians. Most went on to have legendary carriers themselves. So we figured this week we’d apply the ‘Top 5′ treatment to those awesome artists. Yeah we…

Radioactive Metal 755: Gray Hair Metal

At a bazillion years old the Rolling Stones just released a new record. There’s a whole new industry of “classic” rock bands still touring with more gray hair than hair spray. And Crue vox Vince Neil has been under fire for sub-par performances for years now. All this begs the question – When should an artist hang it up? Should there be an age limit? Or is it a health…

Radioactive Metal 754: Halloween Eve

It’s mid September. That means the October spooky season is creeping up. Around here we fully embrace Halloween and all that goes with it. So for the month leading up to the 31st we like to assault our senses with the appropriate stimuli. So before Oct. 1st hits we decided it would be an awesome time to give our recommends for movies, music and comic books. We share some standards…

Radioactive Metal 753: Science Eventuality

A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) seems to be all the rage right now. Love it or hate it, it seems to have invaded the entertainment world, music being no exception. We do a deep dive into this phenom, with all the techno mumbo jumbo. Who knew back then that the science fiction from The Jetsons would become science reality. In our “News, Views and Tunes”, we discuss our recent trip to Texas…

Radioactive Metal 752: Gone To The Movies?

Couple episodes back we discussed the various unique places we’ve attended a gig. Now we can add “movie theatre” to that list. This past weekend the two Arlington, TX dates from the Metallica M72 tour were simulcast to theatres the world over. We both caught the Sunday show. And decided to go the event with a fine studded wristband. We go over the setlist, our theatre experiences and veer off…

Radioactive Metal 750: Dad Rock?

Horns Up! Episode 750! Another milestone! We’ve all heard the expression “Classic Rock”. We have a fair idea what makes up said music. But can we put a fine pointed horn on it? Is it simply a generational thing? Or do subgenres play into it? And what this “Dad Rock” business? Does it exist? And what are the who’s, whats, wheres and whens behind it? It all makes for an…

Radioactive Metal 749: Anytime, Anyplace

If there was a penalty for exceeding a maximum amount of live gigs, we’d be doing hard time. We learned the good way that a gig can be enjoyed beyond the usual venues. Over the years we taken in shows in parking lots, sidewalks, parade floats a.o. That’s not even counting the myriad of basement shows. In our “News, Views and Tunes”, we reminisce about the “Airheads” flick. Musically, we…

Radioactive Metal 748: The Beat Of Our Own Drummer

As with most genres, the vocalist and axeman seem to be the ones that seem to garner the most attention and accolades. It’s the rhythm section that stirs the Metallic drink though. And drummers are the unsung heroes of our beloved genre. So taking a cue from the awesome “High Infidelity” flick, we present our “Top 5” of our favourite skinbeaters. We look at not only technical skill and reputation…

Radioactive Metal 747: Heavy Hobbies

We all love our Heavy Metal. But Metalheads are nothing if not diverse, with a wide variety of interests outside of our album collections. The creators of our beloved genre are no different. Some artists have excelled in their chosen hobbies. This week we discuss which artists and activities we’d love to join in their endeavours. How ’bout “football” with Steve Harris. Golfing with Alice Cooper. Or skating with Pushead…